
The Kind of Teacher I Aspire to Be

"Scientia potentia est"  (Knowledge is power) - Francis Bacon True enough, knowledge really is power. It is very evident with today's innovation in different sectors which helps every community worldwide. On the personal level, knowledge can make you become who you want to be, it helps you to have a voice, and it gives you so much opportunity to help others. That is why I want to become a teacher; I want to empower others, especially the future generation, by instilling the proper and enough knowledge that will sharpen their minds. While the future is in the next generation's hands, the foundation in making the future good is in the hands of the teachers. Hence, I need to be equipped with certain qualities to become "that teacher." A teacher that I aspire to be. I want to carry the qualities of a globally competent, innovative, inspiring, ethical, and law-abiding teacher.  These qualities are vital to fulfilling the standards mentioned in the PPST or the Phi

Ethical Stance on Teaching: Comparison between Online and FTF Classes

The COVID-19 Pandemic has forced educational institutions to completely move from physical or face-to-face (FTF) to online classes. Even without being prepared and equipped with materials needed to deliver quality education, the institutions, especially in the Philippines, the school year has pushed through with online platforms. Instructors now have to deal with a variety of situations. Other hurdles include learning to use new technologies quickly, creating instructional materials appropriate for the new context, offering an interactive remote learning environment, and implementing new evaluation methods techniques. But the struggles of teachers do not just end with all the external factors, but also with the maintenance of ethical standards not just before the pandemic with FTF classes but more so in today’s situation with online courses.   When the pandemic was still inexistent, ethical issues of teachers, although not usually rampant in social media, we could still see abuses

Importance of Understanding and Upholding Legal Mandates in Preventing Online Shaming to the Teachers

Twenty-first-century methods of learning and teaching have been rapidly changing because of technological advancement. We already rely so much on the internet that it has already impacted our way of living. Google classroom, for example, became the virtual classroom for most of the students in the implementation of blended learning in different parts of the world. It vividly helped students and teachers to adapt to the effects brought by the pandemic. However, the internet has also been a tool for online shaming. Especially in social media, where everyone can express their opinion, people, in some instances, tend to call out authorities but in some other cases to make clout to discriminate plainly. “Online Shaming” to the Teachers Online shaming is linked to major social media issues on trolling and cyberbullying. Some defined online shaming as a tool for people to feel good about themselves knowing that they set sympathy from many people than their victim/s (Cabanes & Cornelio, 20

Teaching Philosophy Statement

Learning is a process of obtaining knowledge that cannot be controlled by institutions, governments, or other people. Institutions may guide learners to a particular framework or system of education but cannot totally control one’s learning. Learning is handled only by oneself, which comes from that person’s willingness because, in the first place, one cannot be taught if he/she is close-minded to other perspectives and new learnings. Learners’ willingness shall also bring the initiative to understand the concepts being taught, but how? This is when the role of teachers becomes essential. I believe that teaching starts when students see the teacher on the first day of class, her/his behavior towards the students, and how she/he carries herself/himself in front of people. Starting from there, teachers have already become role models for students. And as a teacher, I will always uphold the principle of excellence through social awareness. It will start with me establishing a good relatio


I always ponder about my purpose; what should I do for the next chapter of my life? Should I be that wealthy person? And by wealthy, I mean billionaire. But no, I am not that type of person. Should I be that normal person who in his 30’s settle and have a family? Again, no. That is so boring. I have nothing against those who choose to have a normal life. But then again, I wanted to pursue something significant, something impactful, and something that would help better my understanding of life. These words are so cliché to people who are still in this position, who still do not see their direction in life. I am one of them. That is why I wanted to enter other doors that welcome me, and I see teaching as one. To elaborate, I shall discuss my reasons for choosing teaching as a path according to its three concepts: profession, vocation, and mission. Profession Practically speaking, teaching is an excellent career to pursue since, as professionals, teachers are being paid good salary